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[导读]:小东教育托福听力经典加试题及答案(汇总) 鸟类迁徙Bird migration Student having difficulties in writing term paper 原文: Conversation:term paper of bird migration Listen to a conversation between a student...


鸟类迁徙Bird migration

Student having difficulties in writing term paper


Conversation:term paper of bird migration

Listen to a conversation between a student and his Biology professor.

S: Dr. Russell, I was hoping to discuss my term paper with you I'm getting a little bit stuck here.

P: Of course, so...what do you have so far? What's your topic?

S: Well, I wanted to write about bird migration, but I'm having trouble finding enough sources.

P: You're having trouble finding sources on bird migration

S: No, actually, on the particular aspect of bird migration that I want to write about.

The thing is, I wanted to write specifically on early theories of bird migration...describe some of the theories. Like how Aristotle thought that birds changed into different species during the winter. Or how other naturalists thought that bigger birds carried smaller birds to warmer spots for the wintertime. But I've only got a couple of books to work with right now. P: Hm...I have to admit that it's an interesting topic, and you certainly seem excited by it. But remember I told you all to ask yourselves how your topic is going to help you show that you can apply what you've learned this semester. A summary or description is not really what I'm looking for as much as your analysis of a certain topic. S: I guess it's not really what we're supposed to do, huh

P: Right. So, how about we think about some other ideas for your paper. I mean you don't need to discard the idea completely... but... take a really different focus. Um... for example...you could present what you think are some reasons-the rationale-behind some of the erroneous theories early naturalists had. But, you'll be supporting your views with current research; those are the sources you'll need to seek out.

S: Ok, I think I see what you're saying. So, like today...today we know that lots of small birds migrate at night, but maybe `cause people didn't see them-didn't see the small birds migrating-they only saw bigger birds, like geese migrating during the day. They thought that the big birds were carrying the small ones under their wings.

P: There you go! That's exactly what I mean. You're showing that you're thinking about the topic, not just telling me what you read.

S: Ok, I also have a really cool example of a migratory bird that I'd like to discuss in my paper. It's the Common Poorwill—I mean it seems that some Ornithologists believe that the Common Poorwill really does hibernate instead of migrating-that it's maybe the only bird that does.

P: If I were you, I would stick just with migration research. Remember, this is only a

15-page paper.

S: Ok, I see your point.

P: But it's great that you're finding this all so interesting. I want you to come back to

see me in a week so we can take a look at the new direction in your paper and evaluate

the sources you've found in the meantime.


Male Student:老师,我想跟你讨论一下我的学期论文。我卡住了,找不到这方面足够的数据。)

Female Professor:You can’t find enough sources on bird migration


Male Student:I wanted to write on theories early bird migration. 关于

Aristotle 对于这个题目的看法等等。

Female Professor:哦~你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。不要只是做summary or description,我想要看到你的special analysis。

Male Student:我想,总结和描述是不够的。

Female Professor:没错,不如我们想想其他的方向。其实你不需要完全放弃 discard 之前找的数据,你可以换种想法,用rational的方式。可以写现在的新研究(current research) 如何支持(support)或者驳斥以前的(historically) old theory。

Male Student:我想可以写 bird migrate at night。以前人们大多只看到大鸟,所



(通过说这个 topic 来验证自己理解了老师的意图 change the topic from ancient

to recent)

Female Professor:对,这正是我说的,你要展示你对这个主题的想法,而不是你读了哪些数据。

Male Student:I want to write about the birds that do not migrate. They hibernate during winter.

Female Professor:如果我是你,我就不会在一份 15 页的论文中写这么多。

Male Student:我知道妳的意思了。

Female Professor:希望你一周内再来找我,看看论文的新的方向(new direction)进


Male Student:好的,谢谢。


问题一:Why does the student go to see the professor?答案:(C)he cannot

find enough material in writing his paper.问题二:How does the professor

help the student?


问题三:What information will the man probably include in his paper (choose two answers)

答案:(B)analysis(D)focus on one topic

问题四:Why does the student提到birds migrate at night?

答案:(A)通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图he understands what the

teacher said.问题五:Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.

S: Well, I wanted to write about bird migration, but I'm having trouble finding

enough sources.

P: You're having trouble finding sources on bird migration

What does the professor imply when she says this: "You're having trouble finding sources on bird migration... "




Migration Birds Know No Boundaries (鸟类迁徙无边界)

¨The migration of birds is one of the most fascinating and least understood events in nature.

¨Arctic terns are the champions of long-distance migration. They fly about 11,000 miles (17,700 kilometers) from their breeding grounds in the Arctic to their winter home in the Antarctic.

Why birds migrate (为什么鸟类迁徙)

¨In many parts of the world, the foods that birds eat become scarce during certain seasons of the year. Most birds would starve if they had to remain in such places through the unfavorable season.

¨Although birds migrate to survive, the factors that actually trigger their migrations are much more difficult to explain. For example, many northern species leave their summer home while the weather is still warm and the food supply plentiful.

¨Bird migrations are probably regulated by the glandular system. The glands produce chemical substances called hormones.

¨Changes in hormone production stimulate the birds to migrate. Among some northern species, hormone production is affected by the length of daylight. As the daylight hours shorten, hormonal changes cause the birds to prepare for their migratory flight south.




完全依靠它flower的形态和特性。提到Rafflesia (大王花),开花时会散发腐臭的味道,以吸引蝇类传播花粉。




家发现它和violet(紫罗兰)、 willow(柳树) 等是属于一个 order 的,后提到幼时的 violet,也会散发那种smell的。

提到共存(考题)。有提到另一种南美洲的植物和它是同一目的,但是花很小,味道也不难闻,与蓝莓共生coherent。学生提问不能测DNA吗,教授说这种大花基本不进行光合作用,没法提取一般植物能提取到的DNA。在DNA分析技术成熟之前根本无法将他们并为同类,由于他们的特征差异太大。教授还提到这种植物的交配不易,其一气味难闻致使传蜜的动物不易接近,其二它每年只开一次花,且花分雌雄。所以要这么多先天条件凑齐不易,所以很少有人有机会看到开花的全过程。(考题)所以,结论,不可以貌取人。后来又讲了这种花很有可能灭绝,原因是要fly帮忙运花粉,要同种的花在一起,要…,要这些条件同时发生,是小概率事件(Small incident)。


Listen to part of a lecture in a Botany class

We've been talking about plant classifications and how species belong to a family and families belong to an order, but sometimes, figuring out how we assign certain plant species

to a particular order is challenging, even if the plant has...unusual characteristics. You'd think that plants with similar characteristics would belong to the same order, but that's not always true. A good example of this is a flower, that is—a flowering plant—that grows only in Malaysia and Indonesia, called Rafflesia.

As you can see, Rafflesia is a pretty unusual plant. For starters, it's huge. The flower can grow up to a meter in width and can weigh up to seven kilos—pretty big, huh There aren't any other specimens in the plant world that have flowers even close to this size. But that's not the only unusual characteristic of Rafflesia, in fact, that's probably one of the least strange features of the plant.

The plant also emits a terrible stench, like rotting meat. But again, there are other plants with bad smelling flowers. And in the case of Rafflesia, flies are attracted to that smell, and that's how the flowers get pollinated. So...um...Rafflesia's flowers are huge and smelly. Rafflesia is also a parasite; it gets its energy from another plant instead of from the sun, which is unusual, but not unheard of in the plant kingdom. It actually grows inside its host, which is a type of grapevine. I mean... it grows inside its host until it blooms—it doesn't bloom inside the host. But that leads me to...I want to tell you really quickly about another plant, a plant that's also from the forests of Southeast Asia, called Mitrastema.

Now, Mitrastema is also a parasite, which led some to believe that

Rafflesia was related to Mitrastema—that they belong to the same order.

Mitrastema as I said is a parasite, but its flowers are much smaller, and don't smell bad, so you can see why there was debate about whether they were related. But as it turns out, Mitrastema is actually related to blueberries. So, even plants that share an unusual characteristic with Rafflesia are not related to it. And, um...no plant shares all three of its unusual characteristics, and that made classifying Rafflesia very, very difficult."

Now, you're probably thinking, why don't they just analyze the DNA of the plant Well, as I said, Rafflesia is a parasite. It lacks the leaves; the green tissue that most plants need for photosynthesis. It's unable to...um...to capture the sunlight most other plants use to make food. So, it's lacking...it...it...it doesn't have the DNA—the genes—for photosynthesis, which


is what we usually use to classify plant species. But some researchers in Michigan persisted, and analyzed about 90 species of seed plants and compared

them to Rafflesia, and we finally had an answer. Rafflesia was part of the Malpighiales order. Now, other species in the Malpighiales order include violets ... um ... poinsettias ... uh ... passion – flowers ...what else Willows. So it was pretty unexpected because flowers like violets are a lot smaller than Rafflesia, right And they don't smell bad—they don't smell

like rotting meat...and they're not parasitic. It took almost 200 years to classify Rafflesia, to identify its relatives, and I don't think anyone would have ever guessed that it's in the order Malpighiales. I mean...you know-it'd be nice to be able to classify species based on their obvious characteristics, but, it didn't work that way with Rafflesia. And unfortunately for Rafflesia, and for the field of botany, it seems that Rafflesia may be dying out. It's certainly endangered because of deforestation in its habitat. And to make matters worse, Rafflesia doesn't reproduce very well. First of all, only 10-20% of buds turn into full-fledged flowers, and it can take them a year to grow. There are also male flowers and female flowers, and one of each has to be in the same area— the same vicinity—at the same time, to produce seeds, and the flies that are attracted to the flower's strong smell have to carry pollen from one flower to the other, so how often do you think these events occur all together Even people who study the plant for years may never witness it.



What is the lecture mainly about



How does a strong odor help Rafflesia



Why does the professor consider the actual classification of Rafflesia unexpected



What does the professor imply about the reproduction of Rafflesia



Listen to part of the lecture again and then answer the question.

It actually grows inside its host, which is a type of grapevine. I mean... it grows inside its host until it blooms-it doesn't bloom inside the host.

What does the professor say this:

"...I mean... it grows inside its host until it blooms-it doesn't bloom inside the host...." 正确答案:(B)解释清楚,避免学生被误导。


Listen to part of the lecture again and then answer the question.

But as it turns out, Mitrastema is actually related to blueberries. So, even plants that share an unusual characteristic with Rafflesia are not related to it. And, um... no plant shares all three of its unusual characteristics, and that made classifying Rafflesia very, very difficult. What does the professor imply when she says this:

"But as it turns out, Mitrastema But as it turns out, Mitrastema is actually related to blueberries."

正确答案:(C) Rafflesia和Mitrastema隶属不同目。


Ragtime 介绍了一种流行于美国十九世纪左右名为 ragtime 的音乐,能够表现年青人的活力(spirit of youth)之类的,此乐流行是由于piano的关系,因为两者真是太搭配了。

在那个年代,在各种场合都用钢琴。此乐当时流行程度,(like Rock & Roll在某一时期一样)。这里出现考点,女学生说了一堆后,来了一句I just don't get it,意思



因为当时它算一种财富地位的象征什么的symbol of wealth and status。再加上,那个年代大家都没钱,就去public concert or restaurant听音乐,而piano声音够响亮,

又和ragtime music

rhythm 搭配的天衣无缝,所以两者相得益彰。年轻人很喜欢这个音乐,因为很有激情。除了到处演出,park演出等不用钢琴,因为难搬(出现考点because of transportation problem)。同时,此乐也是 jazz 的前身,因为演奏者不按牌理出牌,


原文:Ragtime Music

Now listen to part of a lecture in a music history class.

P: Often times we talk about the popularity of music, but we don't always think about the role that the instruments play in their popularity. To give you an idea of what I mean, just take Ragtime music for instance. Without the piano, Ragtime music certainly wouldn't have evolved in the late 1800's the way that it did. I mean...characteristics like the keys, and the chords, made the piano suitable for playing the separate parts of the music: the melodies,

rhythms, harmonies, at the same time. So, with one hand you could play the melody, while playing the harmony with the other. All the while maintaining the rhythm, all characteristic of Ragtime music. In other words, the piano allowed musicians to create the lively sound of Ragtime music unlike any other instruments of their time.

And for about 20 years, Ragtime music was America's most popular music, particularly the piano rag, although some people didn't exactly embrace ragtime, young people in general especially liked it.

S: Kind of like Rock and Roll in the '50s?

P: Without a doubt. I mean of course Ragtime in 1900 didn't sound at all like Rock and Roll did in 1950, but I'd say that's a fair comparison. Ragtime generated the same kind of excitement that other kinds of music like Rock and eventually Rap did.

S: Really? Well, with Rock and Rap, I get why they are popular, but when it comes to Ragtime, well...I don't get it.

P: Ok, let’s take a moment to look at what Ragtime music was about; it was fresh and new, it was the first kind of mainstream music that used AfricanAmerican rhythms and that was exciting, and finally the music and even the lyrics reflected the restless energy and optimism of young people. Can you see how it could capture the spirit of American youth? Just like Rock would do 50 years later?

So, getting back to the piano, of all instruments. As I said before, its unique design was part of the appeal, which was well suited to the style and rhythm of Ragtime music, but there were other reasons why it was so popular. Remember, this was the time before the advent of the automobile. The piano was a symbol of respectability, a symbol of success. Other than a house, it had represented, for many families, their biggest single purchase, and even though not everyone could afford it, everyone wanted to enjoy. So, wherever you would
